Better Evidence Project


Evidence to Action for Peace

This panel session will spotlight the Carter School’s new Evidence to Action for Peace Initiative. It is designed to: Strengthen efforts, both local and international, to prevent armed conflicts, end wars, and build sustainable peace. Bridge theory and practice. Promote and draw upon local and international knowledge and local and international practice. Embody a cycle of continuous learning and sharing.

Community Solutions and Peacebuilding

This session will be a platform for the 5 IREX Community Solutions fellows being hosted at the Carter School to discuss their projects–their goals, program design and plans for implementation upon return to their communities at the end of the fall semester. They are from Bangladesh, Guatemala, Palestine (Gaza), and Slovakia.

Soldiers Without Guns

The riveting journey of kiwi soldiers as they land unarmed into the heat of a 10 year civil war using only the weapons of Music, Maori Culture and Love to create peace.