Better Evidence Project

Z-Archive-Browse our Resources

Discover Resources from Researchers and Organizations from around the World focused on Building Peace

These articles, reports, case studies and assessments have been produced by local and international organizations that work in conflict-affected societies, as well as Government Institutions and scholars. The resources are selected because they highlight ideas and provide evidence for reducing the cost of conflict by increasing effective peacebuilding and war prevention strategies.

The Better Evidence Project’s Resource Center provides access to BEP produced articles and reports, links to other sources from around the world (in the section of our site called “Partner Resources”), access to a variety of practitioner and academic resources which are made available through George Mason University Libraries’ Mason Archival Repository Service known as MARS and a special collection of case summaries that highlight examples of war prevention. There are three ways to access the BEP evidence base: 1) View the map below for a simple search of geographically specific materials, 2) check out our partner resources, or 3) Search Functions

All resources can be searched in 4 different ways:

  1. Geographically — Via the map below or the geography portal.
  2. Resource Type — Organized by type of resource (monograph, government report, policy brief, academic research, etc.)
  3. Searchable terms — Each resource is coded and has an abstract. The text of each abstract is fully searchable, and each resource has also been tagged with codes that reflect its key themes. We have created a list of codes at this link to help narrow your search  
  4. MARS repository­­ A full-text search of materials in the George Mason University Library’s Mason Archival Repository Service (MARS) can be done directly.

The map below provides an interactive, searchable interface of all peacebuilding-related resources available in the MARS repository or as direct links to resources created by organizations or institutions engaged in peacemaking and war prevention.

    1. Select the search icon in the top green bar
    2. Use the text search option to quickly search across the resources’ title, abstract, country of focus, description, and more.
    3. Use the filter option Resource Type to find different types of resources created by like-minded partner organizations.
    4. Select an orange icon on the map below to find out more information about the available resources. Most locations will have multiple resources attached to them. When the box appears, click on Browse Features to pull up the box for each source relevant to that location.  The sources appear one at a time so you must use the arrow at the top of the box to move from one source to the next.
    5. For icons in a location in which the counties are small or close together, the zoom feature is available to magnify the map so that additional icons appear, representing different conflicts/countries.
    6. In each box, the source will have a link that will take the user either to the George Mason University MARS repository for the full source or to the outside link where the source is accessible.

Note: All Resources displayed in this map will have links to the record in the MARS repository if it is housed there or the website where the full resource can be viewed.

*For the best experience with our map, please use a desktop or laptop and the latest version of one of the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.

Browse Resources

The resources have been organized by geographic region and can be accessed below


View Partner Resources

africa icon


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asia icon

North America

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Central America icon


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europe icon

General & Global

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global icon


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indo pacific icon

Middle East

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Middle East icon

South America

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South America icon

Browse Resources

The resources have been organized by categories and can be accessed below

Research and Scholarship

Policy Briefs

Organizational Studies and Monographs


Government Reports

Impact assessments and project evaluations

Multimedia sources: videos and podcasts

Case studies


Get Involved

Presenting Useful Evidence to Inform Peacemaking Practice

BEP invites partners to join us in harnessing useful research to prevent and end war. Submit your research or suggest other materials for peer review for our Resource Library. Join our pool of reviewers who help discern sound evidence to add to the Resource Library. Help us help peacemakers to be more effective.